Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chimpanzee - Trailer

I should say first, I haven't seen any of the DisneyNature films. But I think they're a terrific thing. Not only are they showing kids the beauty of the natural world, but from what I understand major sections of the profits they make actually go to conservation. So how can you possibly hate on that. I also understand that the market for "family" films may be starved a bit these days, so filling in that void with a solid nature documentary is fantastic in my mind. The latest film being released next year follows a baby Chimp called Oscar after he becomes seperated from his family group. A rogue adult male Chimp takes him in.
I showed this trailer to my little sister, who happens to be 17, and she "awwww"ed all the way through it. And if other people have a similar reaction, than this movie stands a pretty good chance of being just as popular, if not more so, than DisneyNature's previous releases. I think I may just check this one out too.

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