Friday, June 17, 2011


Pain's a funny thing. Well it can be, when it happens to someone else and doesn't result in serious, or permanent, injury. Look at America's Funniest Home Video's, I dare you not to cringe and chuckle. But we know there's more than one kind of pain. There's; emotional, psychological, metaphorical, existential, spiritual. No matter the variety however pain still affects us in one way or another. Unless of course you've learned to deal with it.

Look at the monks and mystics who put needles through their flesh or tear their hair out by the handful without a flinch. Those are some true badass'. But its not about being tough to them. Its a spiritual practice and right. They learn for years before they can truly execute any amazing feat, and when they do, its not amazing to them. It simply is. The association with pain, and overcoming it, is a greater concept.

Anyway, around December one of my fillings came out, and I've been fine until maybe three weeks ago. Than the pain started. I've been pretty much just dealing with it. But lately its gotten to the point where I could quite literally rip my own head off if it meant being rid of it. So I'm making an appointment with the dentist.

That's all.

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