Tuesday, May 3, 2011

An Image From Sunday

We know quite a bit about what happened on Sunday night. And I have no doubt we will hear even more as time goes on. I want to say thank you to all of the men and women of the military and intelligence agencies who put their ass' on the line on a regular basis. I sincerely hope that with this moment, families of the thousands of innocents lost in America and across the world can find some measure of closure. Of all of the images coming out over the past few days, one has stuck with me a little bit. And that is a single image taken within the WhiteHouse 'Situation Room' as the raid was being executed. In this image you see President Obama and his team monitoring everything that was happening, as it was happening. This image says a hell of a lot in my mind. You can almost feel all of the air leave the room. What are your thoughts?
Picture Credit- REUTERS/WhiteHouse/PeteSouza
Pictured; Vice-President Biden, President Obama, Secretary Of State Clinton, Defense Secretary Gates, and the Presidents National Security Team.

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