Tuesday, March 18, 2014


With everything going on eith Godzilla right now, it's easy to forget there's another giant reptile out there. Gamera turns 50 next year and it seems that he'll soon be celebrating a return of his own. Because it's gotten out that with his 50th Anniversary he's getting a new movie. Word is the film is well into pre-production and will bring back Gamera in a surprising way. He's already been a prehistoric monster, a mythical hero, and a bio-engineered weapon, I wonder what'll be next. I really love this news, the 90-'s Gamera trilogy is absolute perfection. And Gamera himself is just a fantastic character. Can't wait to see what comes.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


February 28th would've been her birthday, I never stop thinking about her.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The CW....THE FLASH....The Costume....

My brief thoughts on the CW FLASH suit; Now that I've seen the whole thing, in daylight, straight on, I can honestly say that i like it. There are three things you have to think about with this suit. 

One, the original comic suit was created in the space-age with an aim being towards futuristic. 

Two, the Barry Allen we've met on ARROW and who will star in this new series is a geek, and not just a fanboy geek, but a genius level geek. This new suit seems to have that silver-age/space-age feel to it and wears its geekiness on its sleeve. No doubt there are some high-tech explanations behind everything he's wearing. 

Three of course is quite simple, this Flash is just starting out. And with someone as geeky as Barry Allen you better believe there will be upgrades, and a lot of them. It took Green Arrow a season and a half to upgrade from paint over the eyes to an actual mask on ARROW. And take a wild guess who made that mask for him, Barry Allen. When we eventually see the finished series on tv, special effects will be added and images will be finalized, making things even more interesting. And I look forward to it.



Friday, March 7, 2014

Godzilla - Official Main Trailer [HD]

Almost cried watching this for the first time, just so perfect.

Of interesting note; the return to Godzilla's classic origin, an ancient creature awoken in the modern age.